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Home page | TAH partonomy |
Top level | systema nervosum centrale Short Extended |
Level 2 | encephalon Short Extended |
Current level | hypothalamus Short |
Subsidiary language with Latin | |
Non Latin primary language |
Partonomy list |
FMA | TA | UID | ISA |
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
62008 | 5779 | tax |
8613 |
morphologia externa hypothalami P4 9 children
external morphology of hypothalamus
74877 | 5780 | tax |
corpus mammillare (par)
mammillary body (pair) ▲
74628 | 3540 | tax | ||||
74635 | 3541 | tax | ||||
74636 | 3542 | tax | ||||
62045 | 5781 | tax |
chiasma opticum
optic chiasm
62046 | 5782 | tax | ||||
62327 | 5786 |
tuber cinereum
tuber cinereum
8612 |
morphologia interna hypothalami
internal morphology of hypothalamus
83915 | 9035↓ |
substantia grisea hypothalami P4 102 children
grey matter of hypothalamus ▲
62027 | 5911 |
area hypothalamica anterior (par) ; area hypothalamica chiasmatica (par)
anterior hypothalamic area (pair) ; chiasmatic hypothalamic area (pair)
62319 | 5912 | tax |
nucleus anterior hypothalami (par)
anterior hypothalamic nucleus (pair)
5913 | tax |
nucleus periventricularis anterior (par)
anterior periventricular nucleus (pair)
62320 | 5918 | tax |
nucleus paraventricularis hypothalami (par)
paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus (pair)
67883 | 5920 | tax |
nucleus suprachiasmaticus (par)
suprachiasmatic nucleus (pair)
62317 | 5921 | tax |
nucleus supraopticus (par)
supraoptic nucleus (pair)
76770 | 5922 |
pars dorsolateralis (par)
dorsolateral part (pair)
76771 | 5923 |
pars dorsomedialis (par)
dorsomedial part (pair)
76772 | 5924 |
pars ventromedialis (par)
ventromedial part (pair)
7487 |
pars anterior areae hypothalamicae lateralis (par)
anterior part of lateral hypothalamic area (pair)
6305 |
cellulae dopaminergicae areae hypothalamicae anterioris (par) ; cellulae dopaminergicae A14 (par)
dopaminergic cells of anterior hypothalamic area (pair) ; dopaminergic cells A14 (pair)
62028 | 5929 |
area hypothalamica intermedia (par) ; area hypothalamica chiasmatica (par)
intermediate hypothalamic area (pair); chiasmatic hypothalamic area (pair)
62331 | 5931 | tax |
nucleus dorsomedialis hypothalami (par)
dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus (pair)
62329 | 5932 | tax |
nucleus arcuatus (par) ; nucleus infundibularis (par)
arcuate nucleus (pair) ; infundibular nucleus (pair)
6303 |
cellulae dopaminergicae nuclei arcuati (par) ; cellulae dopaminergicae A12 (par)
dopaminergic cells of arcuate nucleus (pair) ; dopaminergic cells A12 (pair)
62349 | 5934 | tax |
nucleus periventricularis posterior (par)
posterior periventricular nucleus (pair)
62330 | 5935 |
area retrochiasmatica (par)
retrochiasmatic area (pair)
5936 |
nuclei tuberales laterales (par)
lateral tuberous nuclei (pair)
62332 | 5937 | tax |
nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami (par)
ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (pair)
77688 | 5940 | tax |
nucleus perifornicalis (par)
perifornical nucleus (pair)
7524 |
pars tuberalis areae hypothalamicae lateralis (par)
tuberous part of lateral hypothalamic area (pair)
62029 | 5942 |
area hypothalamica posterior (par) ; area hypothalamica corporis mammillaris (par) ; area hypothalamica mamillaria (par)
posterior hypothalamic area (pair) ; hypothalamic area of mammillary body (pair) ▲
8602 |
pars posterior areae hypothalamicae lateralis (par)
posterior part of lateral hypothalamic area (pair)
77006 | 5943 | tax |
nucleus premammillaris dorsalis (par)
dorsal premammillary nucleus (pair) ▲
77007 | 5947 | tax |
nucleus premammillaris ventralis (par)
ventral premammillary nucleus (pair) ▲
62335 | 5941 | tax |
nucleus tuberomammillaris (par)
tuberomammillary nucleus (pair) ▲
62341 | 5944 | tax |
nucleus mammillaris lateralis (par)
lateral mammillary nucleus (pair) ▲
62342 | 5945 | tax |
nucleus mammillaris medialis (par)
medial mammillary nucleus (pair) ▲
62347 | 5946 | tax |
nucleus supramammillaris (par)
supramammillary nucleus (pair) ▲
62350 | 5948 | tax |
nucleus posterior hypothalami (par)
posterior hypothalamic nucleus (pair)
5950 |
zonae hypothalamicae (par)
hypothalamic zones (pair)
77682 | 5951 |
zona periventricularis (par)
periventricular zone (pair)
77683 | 5952 |
zona medialis (par)
medial zone (pair)
77684 | 5953 |
zona lateralis (par)
lateral zone (pair)
83933 | 5954 | tax |
substantia alba hypothalami P4 35 children
white matter of hypothalamus
8615 |
tractus intrinsici hypothalami (par)
intrinsic tracts of hypothalamus (pair)
5966 | ||||||
8617 |
tractus commissurales hypothalami (par)
commissural tracts of hypothalamus (pair)
7591 | ||||||
62051 | 5956 | |||||
62052 | 5968 | |||||
8618 |
tractus longi hypothalami (par)
long tracts of hypothalamus (pair)
7593 |
tractus afferentes hypothalami (par)
afferent tracts of hypothalamus (pair)
8751 | ||||||
61974 | 6111 | |||||
8544 | ||||||
61965 | 6091 | |||||
62061 | 8040 | |||||
77010 | 5969 | tax | ||||
5330 | tax | |||||
8621 |
tractus efferentes hypothalami (par)
efferent tracts of hypothalamus (pair)
7939 | ||||||
8654 | ||||||
8655 | ||||||
7950 | ||||||
7963 | ||||||
77008 | 5959 | |||||
77009 | 8656 | |||||
8657 | ||||||
77482 | 8415 | tax | ||||
71 lines
76.1 %
66.2 %
Scientific notes |
Libelle of note
9035 |
The Subdivision of the Hypothalamic nuclei is rearranged into three Hypothalamic areas: Anterior (Chiasmatic), Middle (Tuberal) and Posterior (Mamillary). The Dorsal hypothalamic area forms part of the Lateral hypothalamic area. The LHA is incorporated into the three Hypothalamic areas.
Signature |
Type of list | P3F |
List Unit Identifier | 5779 |
Sublist 1 | 5954 substantia alba hypothalami 35/26 on 15.4.2018 |
Sublist 2 | 8613 morphologia externa hypothalami 9/8 on 25.3.2019 |
Sublist 3 | 9035 substantia grisea hypothalami 102/35 on 11.3.2019 |
Subtotals | subchildren 146 subunits 69 |
Proper children | 4 |
Number of children | 150 (validated) |
Proper units | 2 |
Number of units | 71 (validated) |
Signature | 6171 (validated since 26.3.2019) |
Date: 29.07.2024 |